septimo ingles 11 de mayo


Teniendo en cuenta la lección de la anterior semana vamos a reforzar el tema

 Uso de do y does - Nivel A2 - GCFGlobal Idiomas

Completa las oraciones con “do” o “does”

1._______she play soccer?

2._______ you like listening to music?

3._______ you watch TV at night?

4.________ Laura work on Saturdays?

5.________ the cat drink milk?

6.________ the cats drink milk?

7.________ Maria and Laura listen to music at home?

8.________the computer work fine?

Marque la respuesta que crea conveniente : Do o Does

 a) I ( do – does ) yoga twice a week.
b) My sister always ( do – does ) a mess in my bedroom.
c) My cousins ( do – does ) so much noise all the time.
d) The children ( do – does ) their homework after lunch.
e) My mom ( do – does ) the cooking and we ( do – does ) the washing.
f) He always ( do – does ) what he wants.
g) Just ( do – does ) your job.
h) My sister ( do – does ) the laundry on Saturdays.

entregar hasta el 15 de mayo 
